Voice Call

How will be using the voice call panel service?

1. First you have to login with username and paasowrd

2. After login page will be displayed like given below

How TO check Balance in voice panel?

1. After login on voice call SMS panel

2. TO check Balance Mouse hover on balance enquiry when you Mouse on the right side you can check the balance details.

How to create sender ID (Number) in voice panel?

1. You have to add the number (sender ID) from which the client will receive the call. Example of Number

2. TO add the number (sender ID) Click on Voice caller ID then click on Add VOICE Callere ID then click on Add VOICE Sender ID

3. After clicking on Add VOICE Sender ID then type a mobile number then click on button Add caller ID

How to add voice message in voice panel?

1. To add voice message in panel Click on voice messaging then click on Compose Voice SMS

2. Click on radio button select Normal Rate (0.18) then Select mobile number (sender ID)

3. Note:-
(Your Voice file duration should be minimum 25 Sec for caller id route voice call message in Mp3 format )

3. After selecting Sender ID then Click on radio button select New File then Upload Voice File in MP3 format

4. Type mobile number and click on checkbox Send Later then click on send button

5. Click HERE For video how to send voice call

How to check voice message report?

1. check voice message report Click on voice messaging then click on Voice Campaing Summary

2. After clicking on Voice Campaing Summary campaing Rport will be displayed

5. Click HERE For video how to send voice call