How can I test API provided in hellotext.live panel ?

1. You have to create API KEY, to create API key go on Developer Section then click on Setup API-Key, then click on + Generate New Button then click on dropdown Button then select your Route.

2. After creating API-key then click on Setup Documentation then go on top right side Click on Send SMS API then select API link and copy put on Notepad.

3. After Puting API-Key on Notepad you have to put All Mandatory Parameters Like API-Key, sender ID, Templateid, mobile number AND message.

4. After Putting All Mandatory Parameters in API you have to copy that API link then put on the browser URL and press Enter Button then response comes in JSON format. like given below

{"status":"Success","code": "011","description": "Message submitted successfully", "data": {"messageid":"MTQ4ODE0OA==", "totnumber": 1,"totalcredit":1}}

What is the reason for error codes received under the API failed?

There are many different reasons SMS get failed via API.

1. If the client using an invalid API key in software or in the website then SMS get failed.

2. SMS is failed through API if the client uses an incorrect sender ID and PE ID.

3. Some of the times a client can put the proper template content on the SMS PANEL but not put the correct template ID for that reason SMS get failed

4. If the client receives approval from the DLT platform for the message content and the content copied from the DLT platform is not pasted properly in our SMS panel, the SMS is considered a failure.

5. If any client a sending the SMS via API in that SMS if the client also sends the one PDF link or any other document link and that link name is greater than 30 characters then also the SMS get failed because one variable can only take 30 character

Error Code Status Description
001 false Kindly provide apikey
002 false Invalid route-Id
004 false No Message Found!
005 false Schedule Date/time can't less than current time!
006 false Invalid Date Time Format!
007 false No numbers found!
008 false You have insufficient credit!
009 false Parent has Less Balance!
010 false Message campaign failed!
011 Success Message submitted successfully

How to debug if my API is not working ?

1. If you are done with the all steps mentioned in question number one

2. If you are integrating our API in your websites or Application or any software and SMS getting failed for that you have to check message content, check template ID, and Sender ID then you have to resend SMS from your application or websites. After sending SMS go on our SMS panle and check the delivery report .

3. To check the delivery report click on Delivery Report, then click on Campaign Report then click on NO. OF SMS Icon

4. If your sending SMS from your software or application API getting hit then you can easily able to know what is the reason you not getting SMS AND in the delivery report, the SMS status show failed. Then you have to check all the Mandatory Parameters like
API Key, Sender ID, DLT Template-ID, Mobile number, Message

5. If your sending SMS from your software or application and our API not getting hit and show SSL error then you have to change the SMS API. To change sms you have to login follwing URL with the same USERNAME AND PASSWORD

Where can I find my API-Key in hellotext.live ?

1. You have to login first then go on the Developer Section then click on Setup API-Key if have not crate API-Key then click on + Generate New Button and select Route then click on Register Now

2. After createing API-Key.

Where can I find my API in weberleads.in

1. After login in the system click on Compose SMS then click on API collections

2. In this section, you can select API according to your requirement

How can I test API provided in weberleads.in?

1. After login in the system click on Compose SMS then click on API collections

2. In this section, you can select API according to your requirement

3. After selecting API paste the API link on Notepad then put All Mandatory Parameters Username and Password and put your Sender ID which is approved on DLT platform then put SMS content.

4. After Putting All Mandatory Parameters in API you have to copy that API link then put on the browser URL and press Enter Button then Message ID deisplay on the Browser. like given below
msg-id : NDQyNjY0M25==

How to check SMS status in weberleads.in?

1. After sending SMS from weberleads.in to check SMS delivery report click on Mega Reports then click on SMS Report

2. After clicking Mega Reports you can see this page

How to send SMS using XML API in weberleads.in?

1. After login in the system click on Compose SMS then click on API collections

2. In this section, you have to click on HTTP & XML API

2. In this section, you can select API according to your requirements and also get documentation of XML API configuration Download the pdf

How can I check my balance using API hellotext.live ?

1. To check SMS balance in the hellotext.live API is available. Click on the developer section then click on Setup Documentation

2. After clicking on Setup Documentation then click on Check Balance

3. Select API which is given on the Check Balance section then copy and paste in Notepad

4. Then click on Developer section then click on Setup API-Key

5. Select API-key of particular Route and Route ID then paste on Notepad..

6. You will get the response in json format {"status": "success", "code":"003", "balance":"9859"}

How to send Schedule SMS using API hellotext.live ?

1. You have to create API KEY, to create API key go on Developer Section then click on Setup API-Key, then click on + Generate New Button then click on dropdown Button then select your Route.

2. After creating API-key then click on Setup Documentation then go on top right side Click on Send SMS API then select API link and copy put on Notepad.

3. After Puting API-Key on Notepad you have to put All Mandatory Parameters Like API-Key, sender ID, Templateid,Time and date mobile number AND message.

4. After Putting All Mandatory Parameters in API you have to copy that API link then put on the browser URL and press Enter Button then response comes in JSON format. like given below

{"status": "Success", "code":"011", "description":"Message submitted successfully", "data":{"messageid": "MTQ4ODE0OA==","totnumber":1, "totalcredit":1}}

How to check DLR Response using API hellotext.live ?

1. To check DLR Response in the hellotext.live API is available. Click on the developer section then click on Setup Documentation

2. After clicking on Setup Documentation then click on DLR Response

3. Select API which is given on the DLR Response section then copy and paste in Notepad

4. Select API-key of particular Route and msgid then paste on Notepad.

How to send Unicode SMS using API in hellotext.live ?

1. You have to create API KEY, to create API key go on Developer Section then click on Setup API-Key, then click on + Generate New Button then click on dropdown Button then select your Route.

2. After creating API-key then click on Setup Documentation then go on top right side Click on Send SMS API then select API link and copy put on Notepad.

3. After Puting API-Key on Notepad you have to put All Mandatory Parameters Like API-Key, sender ID, Templateid, unicode=2 mobile number AND message.

If everything has been uploaded proper in the portal & also in the api system but still message get failed on certain number then what will be the possibility ?

1. Number Not in proper Network Conncetivity

2. OR may be busy on call for long time

How to send SMS without using API template ID?

1. You have to create API KEY, to create API key go on Developer Section then click on Setup API-Key, then click on + Generate New Button then click on dropdown Button then select your Route.

2. After creating API-key then click on Setup Documentation then go on top right side Click on Send SMS API then select API link and copy put on Notepad.

3. To send SMS without Template ID you have to some small changes that is 👉 http-send.php? and remove templateid=XXXXXXXX for Example see in the image 👇